Cultural Reconnaissance assisted the Cheney Depot Society in handling communications with both the State and with a local area Tribal organization. We also assisted in launching a capital campaign and crafted and handled press releases for the Society. Acted as westside representative for the Society in Legislative meetings, and coordinated conversations with the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the Washington State Historical Society regarding contract provisions for a major capital facilities grant. Working with Terry Mourning Architecture, Cultural Reconnaissance co-authored the Condition Assessment Report prior to rehabilitation, and reviewed plans and specifications for appropriateness before making recommendations and determinations of effect.
Cultural Reconnaissance provided technical expertise to the organization before, during, and after the structure’s relocation. Cultural Reconnaissance was retained beyond the initial contract into the subsequent biennium for work as the Historic Preservation Consultant of Record.
Cheney Depot Society entered into a contractual agreement with Cultural Reconnaissance to provide the Interpretation Master Plan IMP for the organization. The IMP is stipulated in an agreement with the Washington State Historical Society. The IMP is available for review on this website. In 2023, the Cultural Reconnaissance will be asked to help coordinate the transition from preservation to interpretation.
Check out the Cheney Depot Interpretation Report 2022